Main Page

From Irish Climbing Wiki
Revision as of 19:43, 11 March 2021 by Daveh (talk | contribs)

Irish Climbing Online Wiki

Here is the main link to the Irish Climbing Wiki. This supplements the Mountaineering Ireland guidebooks.

View Crag Map

To contribute to the database please see the Editor's Guide below, or send new route reports to

Guidebook Publication

Compiling A Climbing Guidebook

Notes to help editors bring a climbing guide to publication.


For general queries on the climbing or areas described in the wiki content please subscribe to the Irish Climbing Online forum. The administrators of the site may not be experts in the activity or the area described in the wiki content. It's a much better idea to ask your question of the active local climbers who can be contacted via the forum.

For all website related matters please contact

Readers Guide

For information on using the wiki please consult the Reader User's Guide.

Adding comments on routes

Comments on the content of the page may be added by going to the discussion tab and either editing the existing discussion or better still using the + link to the right of the edit link and add a new topic of discussion.

There's a certain way of laying out comments. You use a preceding colon to indicate that its a response to a previous comment. Two colons for a response to a response and so on.

Please sign your comments using the signature button on the toolbar for this. It is always useful to know when a comment was made

Signature button.png

Leave the cursor at the end of your comment and click the button. It will insert a blob of characters and you need do no more, just save and exit.

Editors Guide

For information on editing and updating the wiki content please consult the Editor User's Guide. However the following section gives a rapid overview of what is involved.

If you don't have the ê or Ê for arête or ARÊTE on your keyboard, copy/paste from here.

Logging In

To edit the Irish Climbing Wiki, you need to login. If you have not previously created a login on this wiki, you can create a new account here.

Note: Prior to 2021, the forum login would also function as the wiki login, but with the major upgrade to the wiki in 2021, the software that was used to link the two entities together was no longer deemed secure, so we can no longer use it. So from 2021, it's necessary to create a new login on the wiki in order to make changes.

Editing a page

Before the upgrade in 2021, the editor was basic, which involved using tags and special formatting. A guide on this outdated method is outlined in the "Editing a Page" section.

After the upgrade, however, things became a lot easier with the "Visual Editor" plugin, which is more "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG). There's an assist menu at the top of the page for formatting headings, bulleted lists, links, etc. More like using a word processor than the previous method which was more like editing code.

Adding a Photo Topo

Here is a link to a free topo maker just for making topos for climbing. It is so much easier than using any type of publishing software or Microsoft products like Word. If you want to see what the end product looks like check out the update for the Gap of Dunloe or Rusheen Guide on here. It produces high quality easy to understand picture topos. [1]